Tauranga Fencing Contractor

Fences range in type and style from the classic picket fence through to a modern concrete fence. Good fencing is designed to work in with the style of your house and garden, and to be functional. The fence builders and installers at Zones Tauranga can help you find the right type of fence for your property.
What services do Zones's Tauranga fencing contractors provide?
- Custom fencing
- Council consent applications
- Fence construction/installation
- Privacy fencing
- Gate installation
- Timber fencing
- Vinyl fencing
- PVC fencing
- Composite fencing
- Aluminium fencing
- Coloursteel fencing
- Concrete fencing/wall
- Stone fencing/wall
What are the different fencing options?
Timber fences are the most common type of fence in the wider Bay of Plenty area, and for good reason. They are cost-effective, sturdy and can be designed to work in with most types of houses and garden designs. From the very plain pine fence (with or without trellising) through to the luxurious variety with timber cladding and capping, you can choose a style that best suits your purpose. Post and rail fencing is another timber variety that lets you define boundaries in rural areas. Timber fences are often painted or stained and require a basic amount of maintenance.
As an alternative to a weatherboard fence, shiplap or A-line fencing is sometimes used as it offers the same look as man-made materials but requires less maintenance than real timber.
Aluminium and steel fences are popular, especially for pool fences. They offer the advantage of letting light in and allowing good vision/supervision. Glass bannisters and fences are also hugely popular for pools for these reasons.
Concrete panel fences, concrete block fences, and fencing made from boxed and poured concrete are at the higher end of the budget. They are well suited to work in with retaining walls. And while they are hardwearing and durable, they do require some maintenance over time and need to be properly planned and installed to avoid cracking. Depending on the look you are after, you can opt to have the concrete exposes, painted or plastered and painted. Finally, stone and rock walls are a sophisticated and stylish way of fencing your property.
Apart from letterboxes and doorbells, fences can incorporate gates to match, planter boxes and more.

How much does a fence cost?
Prices vary depending on the different materials you may choose. A simple timber fence is a good entry-level option while a natural stone fence or rock wall is generally at the top end of the budget spectrum. Fencing costs also depend on the height and length of the fence, of course, and on the amount of base preparation that is required. Click here to read more about fencing costs, with basic, mid-range and high-end options.
The Zones fence contractors will work with you and your budget to design a value for money solution that works. Early on in the process we will give you a budget indication range and once the initial design concept has been agreed on, we can provide you with a fixed price quote and the scope of work. Then the work can start, including the demolition of the old fence, installation of new posts and rails, finishing, painting or treating your fence and clean up work.

Do I need agreement from my neighbour for a new fence?
Boundary fences can become the source of unpleasant neighbourly fence disputes. It’s best to be open and up front with your neighbours and keep the lines of communications open. Technically speaking, you can ask your neighbour to pay for half of the boundary fence, to a standard of fencing that your neighbour agrees on. In reality it’s not always that clear cut and easy, so having a conversation early on can help.
In some cases, resource consent and building consent must be obtained for a new fence, whether this is in your front garden or around the back of your house. This depends on rules in the district plan for Tauranga, Mount Maunganui and the Bay of Plenty, your section and the height of the fence. A fence that is up to 2 metres high usually doesn’t require planning consent from the council, but it’s always best to check.
At Zones, we work with an experienced and reliable team of fence installers that uses a structured and streamline project management approach. Contact us and we can come and see you at your property for a free one-hour consultation.
All Zones franchises are independently owned and operated.