
A private, lush outdoor landscape design in Auckland

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Planter beds, retaining, planting, privacy screening, pathway installation, irrigation, outdoor lighting, water feature.\n

Auckland Central Landscaping Consultant helped these busy homeowners to achieve their ideal landscape.

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Design and project management were key in this Onehunga landscaping project. As both homeowners worked full-time, they needed the support of a landscaping business that they could trust to carry out their project from start-to-finish. The Zones process provided the perfect solution.

“Our clients’ main objectives were to beautify their outdoor area with lush greenery and to create some screening from neighbours and passersby on the footpath”, explains the Landscaping Consultant. “They had been living in their newly built home for a year but, other than adding some pot plants, had not had time to look into planting. They didn't know where to begin. As full-time workers, they wanted us to come up with a planting plan to suit their outdoor space, tastes and lifestyle - and then implement it all for them.”

Landscape design

With a detailed understanding of the homeowners’ needs and ideas, the Landscaping Consultant and her team put together a design, timeframe and cost estimate. This was all done remotely during New Zealand’s level 4 COVID-19 lockdown.

“The design was crucial for showing our client what could be achieved in their tricky spaces to transform the look and feel of their outdoors”, notes the Landscaping Consultant.

Once the design and costings were finalised, the homeowners gave the go-ahead for the landscaping to begin. As soon as COVID-19 restrictions were moved to level 3, the Landscaping Consultant's team began working on-site. 

Under the recommendation of the Landscaping Consultant and her team, the homeowners decided to paint their existing brown fencing black. This set it up to match the work that was to come. 

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Raised planter boxes and a timber retaining wall

“In order to create more planting spaces and open up opportunities for screening down the entrance path and side of the deck, we designed new planter beds that blended into a new stepped-up timber retaining wall to replace the curved keystone wall they had”, explains the Landscaping Consultant. “All of this was painted black, making the whole area look much more modern, and the colours of the plants stand out more. One of the planter boxes is designed with an indent to allow our clients space to bring chairs to sit around their fire pit on a pebbled area.”

As both homeowners were working full-time, the Landscaping Consultant managed everything for them - ensuring every detail met their design expectations. During this time, the Landscaping Consultant also kept in contact with the homeowners via text and email, sending them daily updates on the progress of their project. 

“Some areas around the section had very limited space, if any, for planting, so we had to be creative”, tells the Landscaping Consultant. “For example, we drilled holes and planted/trained Star Jasmine up the wall on wires along a narrow pebbled pathway. Julie, our designer, also designed and built the new planter boxes to enable lush layering of new plants along one side of the property where screening was needed most. We wanted these garden beds to look like they'd always been there - that they had not been added in as an afterthought.

We also installed irrigation across all of the new garden beds and outdoor lighting around these areas, including strip lighting in the new water feature, which was located as a focal point for them to enjoy looking at from their lounge. Our design also included decorative powder-coated aluminium screens to enhance what was previously a dark and unused wall space. The new patterned panels are framed by cubed pots with palm trees and spike lights in them to draw attention to the screens and palms at night. The effect is stunning!”

The new landscape design

Completed in under three weeks, the homeowners now have their lush garden which is complemented by contrasting levels and colours. The plants, pathway materials and irrigation have been selected to make the outdoor space as low-maintenance as possible, while the design has resulted in multiple areas of interest for the homeowners to enjoy.

“The new planters stepped up to the new retaining wall and gave the perimeter of the property more structure and varying heights to add visual appeal”, says the Landscaping Consultant. “The homeowners loved the design and the fact that we could do everything for them - from concept to completion.”

Would you like Zones to take care of your landscape design and build?

Get in touch for a free consultation  

This project was completed in
November 2020
Project description
Planter beds, retaining, planting, privacy screening, pathway installation, irrigation, outdoor lighting, water feature.
Auckland Central
New Zealand
Project duration
3 weeks
Cost estimate
Actual cost
Interesting aspects
Black paint was used to modernise the area
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Monique Nielsen is a Landscaping Consultant of Hammock Bay Landscaping Limited, a franchisee of Zones Landscaping New Zealand, doing business in Auckland Central.

Actual costs vary by project. Plan ahead to reduce the impact of industry changes or disruptions. For more information see here.

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